LAUNCH is consistently evolving to add services and partnerships based on the needs of our clients. Our Part 145 Certified Repair Station certificate, coupled with our highly-trained LAUNCH TEAMS, enable us to serve our clients with fully-staffed solutions for maintenance, modifications and AOG situations. The LAUNCH DEFENSE service provides specialized focus towards military aviation maintenance and modification scopes of work. We offer Supplier Services for our aviation and manufacturing clients to aid in the sourcing and selection of suppliers. In addition, we have formed alliances and partnerships to ensure we deliver full-service capabilities. As part of our efforts to address the severe shortage of aircraft technicians facing the aviation industry, LAUNCH has created partnerships with two of the leading aviation maintenance schools, featuring innovating programs for the next generation of aircraft mechanics.

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Through the LAUNCH Part 145 Repair Station Certificate, we can operate under our certificate at the client’s location or under our client’s quality environment. Our industry leading modification and repair team comprised of all aircraft skills sets who are high-level performers working together as one team. READ MORE

  • Airframe, instrument, and radio ratings
  • Flexible set up at existing or mobile locations
  • European EASA repair station certificate
  • Canadian TCCA maintenance supplement
  • AS9110 certification


LAUNCH TEAMS is an industry leading modification and repair team comprised of all aircraft skills sets who are high-level performers working together as one team. Through the LAUNCH Part 145 Repair Station Certificate, we can operate under our certificate at the client’s location or under our client’s quality environment. Our fully staffed teams are ready to deploy to your facility or other locations to help complete your project work with maximum operational efficiency. READ MORE


LAUNCH DEFENSE provides Aerospace & Defense workforce solutions for our integrator partners within military aviation maintenance and modification scopes of work. We deliver highly specialized Maintenance Repair & Overhaul (MRO), CLS Services (Contractor Logistics Support) and Modification/Installation teams as well as a full line of engineers to government and commercial clients. READ MORE


LAUNCH provides additional supplier services for our aviation and manufacturing clients to aid in the sourcing and selection of suppliers, as well as the complete production process. We provide experts with the skill sets required for each step along the way.

  • Production Execution
  • Production Recovery
  • Supplier Sourcing
  • Supplier Requirements
  • Production Planning


Aviation Institute of Maintenance

LAUNCH has a strategic partnership with the Aviation Institute of Maintenance. The partnership furthers LAUNCH’s efforts towards finding innovative solutions for alleviating the severe aircraft technician shortage the industry is facing. Together, LAUNCH and AIM are developing programs to provide on the job training options for new graduates, supplemental courses for those wishing to further their skills and specific curricula for military service members who are transitioning into civilian employment. READ MORE


National Institute for Aviation Research

Wichita State’s National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR) has made a name for itself as the most capable university-based aviation research center in the United States, providing research, design, testing, certification and training to the aviation and manufacturing industries. Leveraging LAUNCH’s depth and expertise in providing aviation technical labor, this partnership supports NIAR WERX, a division of NIAR focused on rapid development of engineering, aircraft modification and overhaul. READ MORE