Q: How do I request my W-2 or make a change to my tax forms?
A: You can access your W-2 via your ADP account. You can request to change your tax forms by emailing compliance@launchtws.com.
Q: I have an issue with my pay, how do I get this resolved?
A: Email the LAUNCH Payroll Team at payroll@launchtws.com, or call them directly at 630.206.5002. You can also contact your assigned recruiter.
Q: What insurance does LAUNCH offer? How do I get pricing and enroll in benefits?
A: LAUNCH offers all full-time employees the opportunity to enroll in various medical and ancillary benefit plans to allow each employee to find a plan that works best for themselves and their family. For questions and more information, please contact your recruiter or email benefits@launchtws.com.
Q: What do I do if I am injured at the job site?
A: In case of a work-related injury, inform your supervisor and then contact the LAUNCH Claims & Risk Department IMMEDIATELY at 888.888.7195
, option 5. Please follow the instructions on your On-the-Job Injury (OJI) wallet card. If you do not have an OJI wallet card, please email claims@launchtws.com. To report an unsafe practice or a concern about the working environment email the LAUNCH Safety Department at safety@launchtws.com.
Q: I don’t have direct deposit, how else can I receive payment?
A: LAUNCH will provide you a RAPID! PAYCARD. RAPID! acts as a debit card where you can receive your weekly paycheck and advances (if you qualify). Click here to learn more about RAPID! PAY or click here to inquire about receiving a card and/or replacing an existing card. Your funds are protected with Visa Zero Fraud Liability. Call 888.727.4314
, or visit www.rapidfs.com to activate your card, sign up for text alerts, or download the RAPID! PAYCARD smartphone application to check your balance.
Q: How do I view my weekly pay stubs?
A: You will first need to register with ADP. Please click here to login to ADP Workforce Now. Once you register with ADP you will be able to view your paystubs weekly online or through the ADP Mobile App.
Q: Does LAUNCH offer direct deposit?
A: Yes, email us at payroll@launchtws.com to request a direct deposit form, or submit a completed form or voided check. You must include both the Account and Routing Number. Contact LAUNCH Payroll with any questions, 630.206.5002.
Q: Where do I go to get tax-related questions answered?
A: For any tax-related questions, please contact us at taxes@launchtws.com.
Q: How often do I get paid? Which day is payday?
A: LAUNCH pays associates weekly, every Friday. You will receive your first payment your second week on the job. Please keep in mind your payment can be posted at ANY time throughout the day.
Q: Does LAUNCH offer advances?
A: Yes, but only if you are working for LAUNCH Aviation or LAUNCH TEAMS. You can request up to a $200.00 advance in $50.00 increments. You are eligible to request up to 3 advances per job site. The first advance is covered by LAUNCH but after that you will be charged a $20.00 processing fee. Work with your Onsite Coordinator or Recruiter to request an advance. LAUNCH must be provided a timecard to qualify.
Q: Does LAUNCH offer paid sick time?
A: LAUNCH defers to and follows all state mandated sick-time laws.
Q: Does LAUNCH offer a 401(k) plan?
A: Yes, click here to read about the LAUNCH 401(k) program. Inquire about any 401(k) related questions by emailing us at 401k@launchtws.com.