As discussed we have an employee requisition approved for up to 90 days with FME Houston, Texas. The role would be combined shop and field service mechanical work on our engine lines. We would try and split up best we can to get you exposure in both areas. FME would pay for lodging while in Houston or in field ( hotel or efficiency) for the term, plus provide a travel stipend of some kind ( pay for one trip to and from Havre, mileage or airfare, we can discuss) You would be required to supply basic hand tools for the term. ( don’t sweat this one, but bring some tools)
We would plan to hire you thru our temp agency (Launch Technical) and they would pay you. Wages per hour would be $22 , straight time, overtime would be 1.5 times base pay
This is the information that Bryce Gragg provided, any questions we can connect our two payrolling candidates with Bryce for anything that was not covereed when Bryce spoke to our candidates and lined this up
Submittal Process
Bryce Gragg
CC Eddie Diedrick
Must be able to pass 10 yr Crim
Must be able to pass 5 Panel Non DOT Drug Screen
Must have own tools, but minor set per Bryce